Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Just lately I have discovered that I have been posting comments on Facebook based on my readings of newspapers on the economy and economies of the world. I make these posts thinking that people concerned in the news including people like me who make comments might be able to better the situation by considering the adaption of some of my suggested alternatives. I find offering alternatives as part and parcel of my comments on problem situations. 

Of course, more often than expected, my feedbacks fall on deaf ears, giving me a feeling that this preoccupation of mine is a total waste of time, money and effort, and that there could be other better things to do, that this sense of grandiosity is egotism if not plain barbaric expressions of my suppressed libido, or just a psychological need for a long-denied recognition, the need for psychological acceptance, to be lauded by friends, peer and kin. Mentoring in the classroom was once my sideline and now it gives me unresolved idea that may be I could once again be just another docile pupil learning new lessons and better tricks to be able to hold a captive audience like that in the academe.

Which is not the case in Facebook or in any fan page in the internet. The whole world watches although it may not be listening, or it could be reading but not discerning. In whatever circumstances the world is, bloggers like me should write and express opinions that should be informative, truthful, meaningful, relevant and could serve as rallying point to inspire readers towards taking concrete action or to persuade them to share the same opinion and disseminate the same for the benefit of everyone who are or who will be placed in similar situations. In short, it must also be proactive.

As a blogger, it is my categorical imperative to craft opinions that come soothing to the senses of my recipients. These opinions may sometimes be amusing, or they could be contemptible, purposively, to further arouse interest, such as giving and outlining the finer details of how a heinous crime was carried out, or how genius was a perfidy committed. They could be soul-refreshing as when one writes a critique on the aesthetic value of an impassioned poetry, or heart-rending and life-threatening as my comments could be on The Second Quantitative Easing and its foreseen international currency war or its global economic holocaust, or as persuasive as when I suggest that the outcomes of the Group of 20 meetings in South Korea during the week should hinge on humanitarian considerations in favor of underdeveloped countries of the Third World, and not solely for the preservation of the elitist life and lifestyle of American conglomerates and their intermediaries. 

The US Federal Reserve should reel in the Second Quantitative Easing (QE2) before it should even cast it out. A currency war is in the offing and as Sun Tzu would have it for all wars, persuasion is the primordial step to undertake. Sun Tzu's proposal is of course based on the assumption that there are only two protagonists, which is not really the case in the present tussle--- the interests of the whole world are at stake. All over the planet, countries involved in international trade will be affected. The QE2 involves printing new money worth 600 billion dollars, spontaneously creating paper mills for money bills that are supposed to be legal tender but are in fact worthless pieces of paper if not ludicrous print-outs of Dead Presidents like Monopoly play money bills when the indoor game has totally become outmoded. 

If the US thinks it can spread its dollar wide and thin, China could also do the same or perhaps even better, and so can Japan, India, Thailand  and the rest of the countries of the emerging markets. Instead of printing more money, all peoples of the world should be planting more trees and preempt disaster and man-made catastrophes that could be brought about by global warming and climate change, and the people of America should stretch some more muscles like when obese, flatulent or figure-conscious enthusiasts do their daily jog, or could use some manual and menial labor just like the rest of the demure or brawny Asians do. Unless it gallivants to be silly, the US has no viable reason to raise or foment another world war. 

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