Thursday, September 2, 2010


Kind words are good vibrations for the soul. They refresh the spirit and give energy to the body. As kind words enter the human physique they pass through the astral points of the human being, giving the person prana --- spiritual energy and sustenance, that invigorates and sooths the soul to take in more energy. Kind words are positive words that include, but are not limited to the following: hello, love, devotion, charisma, care, share, give, smile, pray, understand, patience, and light.

The opposite is true of harsh words. As harsh words enter the human body, the bodily system naturally works in defensive ways to eliminate the psychological intrusion to protect and preserve the spiritual well-being, and, thus, it needs more energy to process harsh words to dissipate them in the consciousness. This painful experience enervates the soul, weakens the human physique and frustrates the spirit.

We should always avoid harsh words.

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