Tuesday, October 19, 2010


       These are two of my three cats. They are at their best when you least expect them. As you may see, they are up there in the narra tree that I have potted for bonsai purposes but which has outgrown its pot and now serves as the hanging playground of these two long-tailed Ninjas. I was just sitting there, under that tree, when out of the blue these playful "toys" just raced up trying to dislodge each other for a better perspective of what they might hope to see around. But I saw the better of them and took a shot out of my mobile phone camera-- a 2.0-megapixel Nokia 5130 that I have with me all the time just in case something like this happens--- which provides for my instant access to the picturesque world that often passes ephemerally. Now I have captured my loved companions at home and they will be with me forever.

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